Spa Design, Ambience & Maintenance

At this blog post, I will be sharing my views on the overall design of Han Dynasty. 

My first impression of Han Dynasty is that it is quiet and therapeutic. The moment I stepped into the spa, there is soft piping music being played at the counter and there is also a hint of lavender scent all around the shop. 

Besides that, everybody is talking quietly as there is hardly anybody (in fact nobody) shouting and screaming. The dim lighting along the corridor and the room plays a part in bringing the customer into a relaxation mood. 

Han Dynasty uses mainly brown colour scheme in their rooms such as their wallpaper, wooden flooring and padded beds. According to colour psychology, the earthy colour brings warmth, comfort and security. Small little detail like the choice of colour scheme helps to enhance the atmosphere of Han Dynasty. 

The environment is also Fengshui inspired. 

Han Dynasty also takes care of the hygiene and cleanliness of the spa. As seen below, the toilet is being well maintained in terms of its hygiene. There is no urine around the toilet bowl which is a plus point for me as I am a clean freak. Furthermore, there is no mould and stain on the toilet mirror. This shows that they actually make an effort in cleaning. 

To add on, Han Dynasty placed a new disposable translucent paper on the headrest (as seen below) for every session to maintain the hygiene of the spa. All the towels provided are also fresh and clean. Lastly, Han Dynasty uses padded bed and headrest for all their massage rooms and it helps to enhance the comfort of their customers. 

Overall, the above points that I have covered points play an important element in the customer experience. 
